Artist Judi Sunday
Home Town Martha’s Vineyard
Media As a recycle artist, she specializes in painting on paper bags, Judi also paints on canvas and paper, using oils and acrylics. Additionally, she works in printmaking and watercolors and has been commissioned to paint murals.
Statement Judi is a Martha’s Vineyard artist who loves to paint, fish and camp. The beauty and mystical nature of The Vineyard as well as the people inspire her artwork. Her work conveys the fun and whimsy of the Island.
Brief History
Education Judi earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Fine Arts and Art History from Northeastern University, and earned a Massachusetts Teaching Certificate at Brandeis University. She also studied Art at he De Cordova Museum School in Lincoln, Mass.
Awards, Points of Pride and Exhibits Her artwork is in collections worldwide, and has received many first prizes. Judi welcomes your inquiries and commissions.